Embrace The Spring Equinox: A Yogic And Tantric Retreat

Start Date: Wednesday 30 October 2024

Venue: Anahata Yoga Retreat

Doors Open: 03:00pm

Time: 03:00pm - 08:30pm

Restrictions: All Ages

Discover the Joy of Living in Harmony with Nature’s Cycles

Join us for an intimate retreat on the stunning mountaintops of Golden Bay, New Zealand, where the serene embrace of Mother Nature and the vast expanse of the cosmos become your sanctuary. This retreat, centered around the spring equinox, is designed to reconnect you with the natural rhythms of the universe, fostering a harmonious and peaceful coexistence with nature and your inner Self.

Why the Spring Equinox?

The spring equinox marks a time of balance and renewal. It’s a powerful moment to reflect on the gifts of winter’s introspection and to consciously prepare for the vibrant energy of spring. Our practices will guide you in shedding the old and embracing new beginnings, mirroring the transformative journey of nature itself.

What to Expect

- Yogic and Tantric Practices: Engage in ancient rituals and practices that harness the cycles of nature and the cosmos. These sessions will help you navigate life’s changes with ease and grace.
- Connection with Nature: Experience the profound intimacy of being surrounded by untouched wilderness. Reconnect with the stars under the clear night sky, atop the secluded mountains of Golden Bay.
- Transformation and Growth: Allow yourself to expand and grow, embracing change rather than fearing the unknown. Learn to let go of old parts of yourself and welcome the new with open arms.

Our Approach

Our retreat is rooted in the wisdom of ancient traditions that understand the microcosmos is a reflection of the macrocosmos. By aligning ourselves with these natural cycles, we create a nurturing environment where you can explore the depths of your being and emerge renewed.

Join Us

If you seek a deeper connection with nature, a renewed sense of Self, and the tools to navigate life’s transformations, this Retreat is for you. Come and share in the simple yet powerful yogic tools that will support your journey towards harmonious living.

The practices include but not limited to:

Hatha Yoga
Pranayama and Meditation
Restorative Yoga
Yoga Nidra
Mantra Chanting
Karma Yoga
Tantrik and Vedic Rituals

For more info: https://www.anahata-retreat.org.nz/event/embrace-the-spring-equinox-a-yogic-and-tantric-retreat