Te Ahu Centre


Cnr Matthews Ave & South Rd, Kaitaia

Opening Hours:


09 408 0519

Te Ahu is a multi-functional community facility in Kaitaia in Northland, New Zealand, which houses the area’s library, museum, i-SITE visitor information centre and council customer services. The complex also houses a café, a variety of venues for hire including different sized meeting rooms, banquet room and a main hall, little theatre, art space and cinema. Floor plan – click here.

You will not easily forget Te Ahu; the Pou that surround you, representative of local iwi (muriwhenua), nor the godwits suspended overhead, or the fish of Maui beneath your feet. If you visit Kaitaia without visiting Te Ahu, you will forever have an empty space in your memories of the Far North. Te Ahu – a place not to be missed.