Osbornes Funeral Directors & Advisors


197 - 199 Old Taupo Road

Opening Hours:


07 348 3600

Contact Email:

Osbornes Funeral Directors are Rotorua’s longest serving funeral directors, we are hosting the Rotorua Death Café event on March 26th from 5pm to 9pm.

This is an excellent opportunity for you to come along and discuss death and dying in a safe environment, and get answers to any questions you have. Qualified and Registered Funeral Directors, Embalmers, Celebrants and Grief Counsellors will be on hand to answer any of your questions. No suits, no presentations, just canapes, ‘refreshments’ and great conversation about death care.

There is no agenda for this event, please just drop in anytime Thursday March 26th between 5pm and 9pm.