War Memorial Hall


Short Street, Whakatane

Opening Hours:


07 306 0500

The Whakatāne District War Memorial Hall is a popular community facility located at Rex Morpeth Park on 7 Short Street. The War Memorial Complex has ample parking and provides cultural and sporting facilities for many organisations in the District. The Centre was opened by the Governor-General in 1978. It was built around and over the earlier War Memorial Hall. The building has retained the original main entrance, plaques and honors scrolls.

The Centre includes the Little Theatre, which seats over 270 people and is used for recitals, conferences, seminars and theatrical productions. A loop system is installed in the first four rows for the hearing impaired. The theatre is backed by a large rehearsal room. The large, carpeted entrance foyer provides bar and ticketing facilities and can also be used as a separate function room if the entire complex is hired. Next to the foyer, separated by sliding soundproof doors, is the carpeted reception lounge with a bar and kitchen facilities, and a parquet dance floor. It is available for receptions, meetings and conferences. The Whakatāne War Memorial Hall also incorporates a sports stadium that has two full-sized basketball courts. The stadium is also used for badminton, volleyball and other indoor sports. Large concerts, functions, commercial and cultural exhibitions are often held in the stadium. Bookings are made on a first-come-first-served basis and to be fair to all users, the Council reserves the right to limit the number of requests submitted by an organization within a given period of time.