Additional funding committed to underpass investigations
Wednesday 12 February 2020
“Following an engagement process with Council, key stakeholders and the wider community, the Transport Agency is revisiting the underpass and investigating alternative options,” Mayor Powell said.
Mayor Tenby Powell said the Council recognised the importance to the community of a grade-separated pedestrian and cycle link between Bayfair and Matapihi and has approved a contribution of $2 million towards the investigations.
The council had previously agreed to contribute $1 million towards an underpass – sourced from Cycle Plan capital funding – but that was put on hold when the Transport Agency cancelled the underpass project, due to an escalation in the estimated construction cost.
“Council wants to do all it can to support that work and decided at an in-confidence meeting in December last year that it would be appropriate to increase the planned contribution, to demonstrate the community’s commitment to the project.”
He said the Council was confident in the process being followed and looked forward to receiving an update on the investigation work in early-March.
Once a decision on the underpass has been confirmed, the relevant Council report and resolutions will be moved into the public arena.