‘Vital Update – Tauranga’ data released

Friday 24 July 2020

The Tauranga City Council has released the findings from their 'Vital Update' research. ‘Vital Update – Tauranga’ is a research project that focuses at the geographic communities in Tauranga: who makes them up, and what their needs, wants and aspirations are for their neighbourhoods and the wider city. 

The research was undertaken so that together, the Council and its community can create a better future for its residents. By identifying which areas and communities need the most help and for what reasons, the Council can provide the support and resources required to make a difference.

You can find the full media release below

What did we find out?

The findings have reiterated some things that we already know – that people want to protect our beautiful environment and that traffic is an issue – but it has also helped us gain a deeper understanding of our demographic and geographic communities.

We now have insightful data from our harder to reach residents, including our rangatahi (youth) as well as our kaumātua (ageing population). We’ve heard from disabled people and their carers, and people experiencing homelessness. We also have a better understanding of the needs of Māori and the different ethnic communities that call Tauranga home.

The findings are presented as a main report (executive summary), 12 suburb reports and six priority group reports, giving us the ability to use the data in different ways and commit resources to make a positive change in our city.

‘Vital Update – Tauranga’ is not a one off or a ‘make and forget’. All the partner organisations are planning on actively using the results of the research and have a desire to continue with this type of research every few years.

Kia hiwa rā! Kia hiwa rā! Kia hiwa rā i tēnei tuku!
Kia hiwa rā i tērā tuku! Kia hiwa rā! Kia hiwa rā!
E wehi ana ki te Atua
Te timatanga me te otinga o ngā mea katoa
Tēnei tonu te tangi apakura ki ngā mate
Haere i te ara takimano
Haere i te ara ka rere kore ki muri
E moe e! Haere atu ra!
Nau mai piki mai kia koutou te hunga ora
Nau mai hara mai ki Te Pou taketake e karanga nei
Tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa!

Thank you for sharing your voice

Thank you to the Tauranga community for taking the time to give us your feedback, for your honesty about your experiences, as well as your aspirations for the future of our city.

We heard from all walks of life

Our focus was to hear from people with different backgrounds and experiences. This included a focus on those who are vulnerable, who deserve a voice. We received 5222 responses in total, with 4835 responses from Tauranga residents.

Main report

We found out what our residents love about living in Tauranga, what things they would change, and what they want to protect. We learned about our residents' housing and standards of living. We gained greater insight into our residents' social wellbeing and the feeling of connectiveness. We have a better understanding their accessibility of services and facilities, technology and transport. We learned about our residents' perception of safety and how important it is for people to live without fear.

You can view the full PDF Here