Safety Improvements for Arataki Intersection

Tuesday 17 December 2019

A morning peak bus clearway, a new pedestrian crossing and a wider shared footpath have been built on Links Avenue in Arataki. Tauranga City Council’s attention is now on delivering an upgrade to the intersection of Links Avenue, Concord Avenue and Farm Street. Two small roundabouts and a number of shared crossings as well as widened footpaths will be installed in January 2020. 

The shared crossings are new to Tauranga. People on bikes do not have to dismount while using this crossing facility. Naturally, all users must look to see if vehicles are stopping before crossing. Clear signage will be in place once construction is completed. Additionally, council’s Travel Safe staff will be on hand for the first few days to assist people using these new crossings and council is rolling out an on-going educational campaign. 

Martin Parkes, Manager: Network Safety and Sustainability: “This project has been much-anticipated by the community as it will help to lower speed in the area and improve safety.”

Works are expected to start on Monday 6 January 2020 and will take approximately 3 weeks – weather dependent. At times road closures will be in place with detours clearly signposted. The first part of the project also requires a temporary relocation of bus stops on Links Avenue. Further details will be provided towards the start of construction. Sign up to Antenno for updates or check for information at the bus stops.

After completion council expects the area to be busy with children using the new crossings during school peak times; this will have a temporary impact on journey times, as vehicles will need to wait.

Work on the Arataki corridor started in late 2018 with the aim to make it safer and easier for more people to walk, bus and cycle between Sandhurst Drive and Golf Road. A lot of students and commuters travel through this area – especially while the Baylink project is still happening, so the aim is to make the area as safe as possible for everyone. 

More information on this project and the further transport plans for Arataki can be found on