Love your dog with early registration
Tuesday 08 June 2021
Get your dog in a red tag this month and your pooch could be in for some pampering.
Dog registrations are open for the 2021/2022 period and to mark the change in tag colour to red Western Bay of Plenty District Council is running a photo competition for those who register before 1 July.
Council’s Compliance and Monitoring Manager, Alison Curtis says all Western Bay dogs must be registered with a red tag by the end of June to have a chance to win a pooch pamper prize pack valued at $200.
“To enter, take a photo of your dog strutting their new red tag, in their best attire and tag Western Bay of Plenty District Council on social media to go in the draw. The winner will be announced on Friday 9 July,” says Alison.
“Existing dog owners will receive their registration information pack in the mail this week along with Council’s annual dog newsletter with the latest in news and tips.”
There is a $3 increase in fees for all dogs this year.
The increase is to cover the build and maintenance costs required for four new dog exercise areas in Waihi Beach, Ōmokoroa, Katikati and Te Puke in the coming years. These dog parks will be fully fenced and serviced for dogs social and exercise needs, reducing pressure on other community spaces, and providing a safe and secure space for dogs.
As part of Council’s Long Term Plan 2021-2031 consultation process the public were asked if Council should be providing more fenced dog exercise areas – with 491 in support and 233 not in support.
Of possible locations for the dog exercise areas Ōmokoroa was the favourite with 250 people in support, followed by Te Puke (226), Katikati (165) and Waihi Beach (140).
If you or your dog/s details have changed from last year you can update your information at westernbay.govt.nz/dog-registration or on your registration form when you make payment.
All information on fees and how they apply to different dogs (de-sexed, unneutered, dangerous, working and assistance dogs etc.) is available on Council’s website.
For any queries please contact Council’s customer services team, phone 0800 926 732 or email [email protected]
Image: Western Bay’s spokesdog, Alfie, with his new red tag. Supplied.