Community interest sought for old Omokoroa pavilion

Thursday 28 January 2021


Western Bay of Plenty District Council is seeking interest from the Omokoroa community for groups that may wish to use the old pavilion when it is relocated on the Western Avenue Reserve.


The council has brought the pavilion from the Omokoroa Sports and Recreation Society which has moved into the new sports pavilion on Western Avenue Reserve.


The former pavilion, already on the reserve, needs to be relocated to another suitable place on the reserve to make sure it has the best community use and access. While relocation on the reserve is the preferred option, council is asking for feedback and if an alternative option is preferred by the community it could be considered – provided funding is available.


The council is asking for feedback on alternative locations and is also asking for expression of interest from the community as to any groups that may wish to use the pavilion.


Costs to relocate the building have been approved by the Omokoroa Community Board. Council will be responsible for costs related to the exterior of the building and the future users will fund the costs of using the space.


Closing date for expressions of interest is Friday, March 12, 2021.


Submissions for expressions of interest will be evaluated by the Omokoroa Community Board on the basis of the submission received and a verbal interview if necessary. The Community Board will then make a recommendation to council.


Interviews are likely to take place in the latter half of March 2021, with a final decision by the Performance and Monitoring Committee of council at its April 2021 meeting.


Find more information and the submission form


For any queries or clarification on the Expressions of Interest pack contact Blaise Williams on 07-571 8008 or [email protected] .


The public can view the exterior of the Pavilion on the Western Ave Reserve but for internal viewings please contact Alison Cave on 07 571 8008 or [email protected].